Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Final Assembly

Today we finished the mounting of the motor and fixed the gimbal lock issue. Essentially, we added a weight to one of the rods within the inner ring and decided to spin the device in a slow to ensure a random tumble. The motor box was mounted using wodden blocks and self tapping screws. A significant addition that can be seen is the white piece of Teflon used as a heat resistant coupler. This will be used to prevent heat transfer to the motor:

Mounted Motor Box
Top View of Motor Box

With the assistance of Ottman Tertuliano, the triangle frames were TIG welded to the baking sheet along with two handles to enable easy placement in the oven:

We added a cylindrical weight to one of the prongs in order to offset the effects of gimbal lock. With the weight in place, the inner ring rotates more as the middle ring attempts to fall into its equilibrium position perpendicular to the outermost ring. This added rotation of the inner ring maintains the desired motion of the device. 

Added Weight to Inner Ring

Final Assembly of Device